Around the World 1998; Malaysia
What is was like to travel in Malaysia 20 years ago.
Around the World 1998; Australia
Traveling in Australia in 1998; Sydney, Cairns, Cape Tribulation, and Diving on the Great Barrier Reef
Around the World Pre-Trip Journal July 1998
What was it like to plan for an Around The World trip 20 years ago?
Around the World Pre-Trip Journal June 1998
What it was like to plan for a year-long trip around the world in 1998. Things were different then...
Around the World Pre-Trip Journal May 1998
What it was like to plan for a year-long trip around the world in 1998. Things were different then...
Around the World Pre-Trip Journal March and April 1998
What it was like to plan for a year-long trip around the world in 1998. Things were different then...
Happy 20th Anniversary wired2theworld!
A look back on the last 20 years of wired2theworld. In the tech world, that’s like 80 in blog years. How things have changed...
Around the World, Pre-Trip Journal-February 1998
What it was like to start planning for a year-long trip around the world in 1998. Things were different then...