LA to DC by Train 2017

LA to DC by Train

Some things happen too fast to be captured in a photo from a train window.

A speckled gray horse in New Mexico running to meet the train and galloping alongside until we are out of sight.

Two boys, dressed all in black and teenage angst, giving the train the finger, somewhere in Arizona.

A huge flock of Canadian geese, resting in a farmer’s pasture, on their way south for the winter.

Rural towns, sliding by, some picturesque, some not. White clapboard farmhouses will forever be juxtaposed against banged-up trailer homes with outhouses and water tanks.

Amish women and little girls in their starched white bonnets standing on the platform, waiting for the train.

These are only a few of the thousands of images I will keep in my mind forever from this trip.


In November 2017, my mother and I took Amtrak across the country from Los Angeles to Washington DC. The trip was to celebrate my mother’s “big” birthday last year. This was our first long distance US train trip and we took the Southwest Chief from LA to Chicago, spent the night in Chicago, then took the Capitol Limited to Washington DC where we spent three nights before flying home.